Online Contest for 2015 Open Access Week
Winner Announcment: Congratulations to Giselle Greenige for her response on Open Access' ability to increase scholarly visibility, publishing speed, and citation rates.
How has open access impacted your research or studying?
Eligibility: Any currently registered University of North Texas student, staff or faculty member is eligible to participate.
“In a short statement (no more than 200 words), describe the value of Open Access to you.”
Statements can be submitted by posting on the UNT Libraries Facebook page, Twitter feed, or via an e-mail to
Library staff will evaluate the submissions according to the following criteria.
- Approach to theme
- Use of clear, concise language
- Mechanics of writing
Awards: Three winners will receive free registration to the 2016 Open Access Symposium and a prize basket.
Contest winners will be announced Friday October 23, 2015. Their posts will be highlighted on the UNT Libraries Facebook page, Twitter Feed, and the UNT Open Access website.
Contest Announcement: Monday, October 19
Deadline for Entries: Thursday, October 22, at 5PM (Passed)
Announcement of Winners: Friday 23 on UNT Libraries Facebook page