Program for Open Access Symposium 2016 now available
The program for UNT's Open Access Symposium 2016, featuring presentations and interactive sessions led by researchers and librarians based in the US, Canada, UK, and the Netherlands from various fields of study, is now available.
The two-day event, held this year on the Denton campus just after the end of the spring semester, begins the afternoon of Thursday, May 19, with a keynote by Dan Morgan (publisher of Collabra) and a reception held jointly with the Library Publishing Forum 2016, an international conference which will be held just preceding the symposium.
The symposium will continue on Friday, May 20, with an opening keynote by J.E.C.V. Rooryck, a linguist who led the mass resignation of the editors of an Elsevier journal and has launched a new journal aimed at having a fair, sustainable publishing model. Parallel sessions will include presentations on sustaining open-access publishing, researcher perceptions, open data, and institutional open-access policies. The afternoon's featured speaker will be Brian Nosek, a psychologist who co-founded the Center for Open Science, which operates the Open Science Framework, and the closing speaker will be Lorraine Haricombe, vice provost and director of the University of Texas Libraries at the University of Texas at Austin.
Those interested in open educational resources (OER), including open textbooks, will want to consider attending a preconference of presentations and a workshop on Tuesday afternoon, May 17. The Library Publishing Coalition is offering a registration rate of $50 for that preconference only. See the website of the Library Publishing Forum 2016 for more details. In addition, we encourage you to consider registering for the entire Library Publishing Forum 2016, which is open to everyone interested in publishing services provided by libraries.
Discounted early registration for the Open Access Symposium ends March 31!