Pre-recorded Session: Over 10 Years of Promoting Gold Open Access to Faculty: What Do We Know?

About This Session

Since the advent of Open Access (OA) publishing as a response to the serials crisis in scholarly communications, academic librarians have often served as OA guides for faculty as they navigate the research process. However, as more studies have emerged on faculty perceptions of gold OA, the roles of librarians in promoting OA have come into question. In June 2024, I published a literature review article that aims to examine articles and book chapters published from 2010 to 2023 with a geographic focus on North America that discuss how and why librarians have promoted gold OA to faculty. My presentation will highlight the key takeaways from this literature and how librarians can move forward in their OA efforts by focusing on scholarly publishing literacy.


Olivia Chin

  • Scholarly Communication Librarian, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Olivia Chin is the Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University of Tennessee Knoxville Libraries. Originally from West Tennessee, she holds a Master of Library Science degree from Texas Woman's University and has worked in academic libraries for over 8 years. In her current role, Olivia provides research support to faculty, staff, and students.

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