UNT Speaks Out on Student Research and Open Access

This UNT Speaks Out event features student and faculty speakers from various disciplines describing their research and perspectives on open access. Dr. Gloria Cox, Dean of the UNT Honors College, will introduce this event and discuss The Eagle Feather publication and the impact of open access to student research. Laura Waugh, Repository Librarian for UNT Scholarly Works, will discuss the importance of providing open access to research and the option of including it in ones institutional repository.

Featured Student Speakers:

Angela Manglaris, Political Science

Amy Schade, Biological Sciences and Honors College

Sara Montejano, Teacher Education and Administration

Briana Camp, Art Education and Art History

Featured Faculty Speakers:

Dr. John Ishiyama, Political Science

Dr. Lee Hughes, Biological Sciences

Dr. Jeanne Tunks, Teacher Education and Administration

Dr. Jennifer Way, Art Education and Art History

This event is part of 2012 Open Access Week at UNT and is sponsored by the UNT Libraries.

Event Location: Willis Library, Forum, Room 140


Thursday, October 25, 2012 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
UNT speaks out on student research and open access