Barbara Bintliff
Professor Bintliff is Director of the Tarlton Law Library/Jamail Center for Legal Research and the Joseph C. Hutcheson Professor in Law. She came to the position in the fall of 2010, after serving as Director of the William A. Wise Law Library and Nicholas Rosenbaum Professor of Law at the University of Colorado. Her research interests include studying the differences between print and electronic information retrieval and the ways in which these search methods yield divergent results. She was selected to present the prestigious 22nd Annual Austin Scott, Jr. Lecture at the University of Colorado, and followed it with an article in Law Library Journal, From Creativity to Computerese: Thinking Like a Lawyer in the Computer Age. She is an expert in the authentication of electronic legal resources, and serves as Reporter for a Drafting Committee of the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Law that is writing a draft uniform law on this topic. Professor Bintliff also maintains an interest in exploring issues of legal history and comparative legal systems. She serves on the editorial board of several journals, and contributes regularly to the scholarly and professional literature through articles, reviews, and other publications.
Professor Bintliff has been active professionally in a number of areas. She has been involved as a speaker, moderator, or panelist in numerous professional conferences, for law school colloquia series and for regional and national groups such as the Association of American Law Schools, the Southwestern Association of Law Libraries (SWALL), the Colorado Association of Law Libraries (CoALL), and the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL). She has served on and chaired many committees for these groups, has been a member of their Executive Boards, and served as President of SWALL (twice) and CoALL. In 2001-2002, she served as President of AALL. She has received several Presidential Certificates of Merit and the Frederick Charles Hicks Award from that Association, and in 2012, Professor Bintliff was elected to the Hall of Fame for the American Association of Law Libraries. Professor Bintliff was elected to membership in the American Law Institute in 2001 and the American Bar Foundation in 2011. She chaired the Section on Law Libraries and Legal Information for the AALS in 2011-2012.
For the last several years, Professor Bintliff has spearheaded an effort to increase the amount and quality of scholarship concerning legal research education and the use of legal information. An important outcome of this effort has been the production of the Boulder Statement on Legal Research Education. The text of the Boulder Statement can be found using the "publications" link on the left side of this page.
Legal Information in Digital Form
May 19, 2015 - 1:30pm to 2:45pmOpen Access to Primary Legal Materials and Their Impact on Access to Justice in Texas
May 17, 2019 - 10:45am to 11:45am