Suliman Hawamdeh

Suliman Hawamdeh is a Regents Professor in the Department of Information Science, College of Information, University of North Texas. He is a leading authority in the field of knowledge management and the editor in chief of the Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM). He founded and directed several academic programs including the first Master of Science in Knowledge Management in Asia in the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and the Master of Science in Data Science at University of North Texas. He served as a department chair and director of the interdisciplinary PhD program in Information Science from 2010-218. Dr. Hawamdeh authored and edited several books in the areas of knowledge management, information science, data analytics, cybersecurity, and knowledge governance. He has an extensive industrial and consulting experience including the managing director of the Information Technology Consultant. He served in the capacity of chair, founding chair, and president of several national and international professional associations and conferences include the International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM). In 2020, he received the ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science Education.



OER and Open Textbook Projects at UNT

April 14, 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm